How to Install a Freezeproof Faucet

A step-by-step guide to protecting your exterior faucets from freezing and bursting V edat Bilik attaches a frostproof outdoor hose faucet that delivers both cold and hot water, a boon in the winter when dogs—or cars—need to be washed. I think I have the perfect solution for you: a hot-and-cold wall faucet. You'll probably be using it fairly often in the winter, so a frostproof version is a must; the valves actually shut off the water inside the house, so there's no danger of the faucet freezing and cracking. For more information & video Installing one is fairly simple. Most people take off the existing spigot and use its line to supply cold water for the new faucet. Then they install a new hot-water line next to it. To do that, you'll need a tubing cutter; a hole saw, to drill through the siding and sheathing; enough tubing to reach an existing hot-water line; and a soldering kit or no-solder fittings. Use a silicone seala...